Please remember to sign-up for our Colonial Days. You can either specify to be in charge of a station or help. Mrs. Reina stressed to us last Thursday that she needs more parents to help make this event successful. Thanks to those of you who have signed up already...
December 7-11
Math-Decimals (rounding to estimate, sequence decimals)
Reading-Katie's Trunk (Rev. War)
Writing-Informational Text & begin opinion
Social Studies-Revolutionary War
MONDAY- We will decorate 1 quart Christmas Jars for Terrace Grove.
If you have a talent to present at Terrace Grove we would love you to share tomorrow (Monday). We will choose 4-5 talents from each class.
WEDNESDAY- Terrace Grove Caroling 10:00
THURSDAY- Engineering-Complete Circuit Christmas Activity
FRIDAY- Ms. Sosa's last day. She has been amazing!!