Welcome to our class Blog!! I have started this blog to better communicate with you about what your child is learning. I will try to keep you updated on different activities here at school, and important announcements. Please feel free to blog, e-mail, or call me if you have any questions, concerns, or comments.
Here is an agenda for the week of December 6th-11th.Detective Bird changed Nova to Monday the 6th.
This week we will be finishing our Christmas poems.
Spelling/Vocabulary Test--FRIDAY (Please Practice your words)
Science- We will be studying physical and chemical changes in Matter. Start thinking about a science experiment demonstration. (Bill Nye ..You-Tube at bottom of page -also more ideas on You -Tube). They will be due after Christmas Break.
Social Studies-You will be learning about the Revolutionary War. Remember your Bio -Poems and written reports are due MONDAY, December 13th. You must have these in order to get credit and participate in the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Reading-Remember to read 30 minutes every night (300 pages every month).
Jan Farmer
5th Grade
Bridger Elemenary