Dec 21, 2011


Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Remember to read!!
See you on January 3rd!!

Mrs. Farmer

Dec 9, 2011


Today the students graduated from NOVA!! Congratulations on completing all the requirements and pledges you made to follow your path of excellence!
Great job reading your essays Chris, Ali, & Spencer.
Today we also celebrated honor day!! Those students with zero missing assignment for the past 5 weeks had a 5th grade Wii celebration!!

Next week:
Monday: 8:30-10:00- The book lady will teach us how to make books.
1:45- Christmas program Grades 3, 4, & 5.
Tuesday: 9:00-10:30 - Finish making books
Wednesday: 1:45 Orchestra Concert

Dec 2, 2011


This week:

Monday-We will be going on a field trip to USU. We will leave at 11:15 and return at 1:45. We will watch the Pickleville Playhouse present a Christmas play.

Friday-Nova Graduation 1:00. Detective Bird will speak to the audience and the students will graduate. The Chief of police and mayor will also be there. Please come participate in your child's learning experience in N.O.V.A.

I will be sending in Scholastic orders this Friday so they will be here for Christmas. My Scholastic News activation account is GYPGG.

Nov 23, 2011


I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!!

When we come back from Thanksgiving break we will learn about:
Science-We will being learning about static electricity/electricity.
Writing-Journal write about our Thanksgiving. We will also begin writing persuasive essays.

See you on Monday!! Don't forget to read and play math games on this site!! Keep track of your reading and the games you play and you will be rewarded!!

Nov 12, 2011

Congratulations Jocilyn!! Your picture is in the paper!

Congratulations to: Aspen & Dallin reading over 2,400 pages so far this year. You have met the Aquatic Center goal!!
Congratulations to: Nate, Tia, Harmony, Ali, Spencer, Mikayel, Jocilyn, Alex, Chris, Scott, and Hayden for meeting their September- November goal of over 900 pages!!


This week we will finish writing and typing our N.O.V.A. essays.
We will also be experimenting with magnets and making our own compasses.
Parents please check your child's homework parent note he/she brought home on Friday! If your child is missing assignments, it is important that you remind him/her to turn them in. Those students who had zero missing assignments had a great week getting their homework finished and are meeting their goal to go to honor day!!

Have a nice weekend-See you Monday!!

Nov 4, 2011

Our honor day was a lot of fun. The Chinese acrobats were amazing.

This week:

Monday is 1/2 day. School will dismiss at 12:00
We will start learning about magnets in science.

Book orders are due on Friday Nov. 11th. If you want to order on-line here is the information.

Online Ordering Information
Web address: Activation Code: GYPGG

Oct 28, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This past week we learned different ways we can show division. The students did very well and are understanding division a lot better. These strategies will also help your child be able to divide with two digit divisors.

Next week:
Monday-Halloween There will be a school halloween parade at 8:15 a.m. After that we will be presenting our Halloween poems to the fifth grade. Your child may come in their costume in the morning, but we ask it it's a full Halloween costume- they change back into their clothes at noon.

Thursday-Science and Spelling tests
Friday-Honor Day We will be taking those students who have turned in all their assignments to see the Chinese acrobats at the Ellen Eccles Center.

Oct 19, 2011


I enjoyed getting to know you at conferences. Your help and support is so important in your child's education. Here are some of the main goals that were set.

1. Organize binder and desk.
2. Read 30 minutes every night.
3. Fill out homework log every day and have a parent sign.
4. Improve comprehension strategies by using strategies on the back of homework log or other strategies we have learned in class.

Also, I told the students they will get a treat if they play some of the math games on the blog by Monday. There is the Ia.usu on the Math Tab and some to the right of this home page. (If they have ***** that means a student has recommended the game.) Which game is your favorite?Let me know on Monday.
P.S. I've been playing with the games on this page and have made a few comments by them. They are a lot of fun!! I had to download Timez Attack on my computer. WOW! It is amazing! I hope we can get it in the computer lab.

Thanks again,
Mrs. Farmer


Sep 30, 2011


This week we had our first honor day for those students who had zero missing assignments!! We had a kickball game and it was a lot of fun!

Volcano (extra credit) is due on Monday.
Nova rockets are due on Tuesday.
Please continue to encourage your child to do his/her homework every night.
Reading pages for September are due!! (300 pages)

Please sign up for parent teacher conferences. Just go to the Bridger Blog (Tab Link on my blog) and find the On Line Conference Scheduler tab-right side.

Mrs. Farmer

Sep 5, 2011

It's been a GREAT start!!

I have enjoyed getting to know your child this year. Friday we buried the word can't and finished reading a book about bullying. This week we will talk about being positive and kind to others. We will read the book Have you Filled a Bucket Today?
Please continue to help your child be successful in 5th grade by:

-It is very important that your child reads 30 min. every night to improve comprehension and fluency.
-Check your child's assignments and review homework to see if it is correct.
-Sign homework logs every night.
-Help your child pass of math facts in 5 minutes. (add, subtract, mulyiply, divide)
-Look for progress report slips every Friday.

-Book orders are due on September 13th.

Mrs. Farmer

Aug 16, 2011


I have had questions about what supplies to bring? The following items would be helpful but are certainly optional:

Three ring binder- (1 1/2 inch-2 inch size) I will supply pocket folders to help organize the different subjects.

1-2 boxes of tissues- Our class usually goes through a lot of tissues throughout the year.

*red pen
*glue stick
* I will have all of these available to use. These are items that you could buy if your child wants his/her own to use.

Aug 10, 2011

Getting Ready for School!!

I'm so excited to get back to school. I have had a great summer in Idaho biking, hiking, reading, and relaxing; however, I am lost without my daily interaction with my students!! I hope you are all eager to learn and become great 5th graders!!

The class lists are on the front window of the school. The first day of school is August 24th and back to school night will be on the 23rd at 6:30.

I can't wait to meet or say hi to all of you at back to school night!!

Ramsey & Champ
Island Park, Idaho

Jul 16, 2011

I just spent a week at a Singapore Math Conference.

This past week I was in Las Vegas at a Singapore Math Conference. I learned and reviewed strategies to help students understand and use different ways to problem solve. There's a lot of ways to make numbers easier to work with.

What is Singapore Math? by Anni Stipek, Singapore Math trainer
You may be wondering what Singapore Math is all about, and with good reason.
What you may not know is that Singapore has led the world in math mastery for
over a decade; its students become competent and proficient mathematicians at very
early ages. Even better, they grow to be capable problem solvers who think mathematically with ease. Wouldn’t it be nice if your child could enjoy the same success with math?

First, you need to know that Singapore Math takes a slightly different mathematical
approach than what you may be used to. It revolves around several key number‐
sense strategies: (1) building number sense through part‐whole thinking, (2)
understanding place value, and (3) breaking numbers into decomposed parts or
friendlier numbers, ones that are easier to work with in the four operations
(addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).

Second, Singapore Math does something dramatically different when it comes to
word problems. It relies on model drawing, which uses units to visually represent a
word problem. Students learn to visualize what a word problem is saying so they
can understand the meaning and thus how to solve the problem.

Third, we have mental math, which teaches students to calculate in their heads
without using paper and pencil. Sure, your child will still need to commit facts
to memory, but mental math will teach him or her to do calculations using proven
strategies that don’t require pencil and paper.

Fourth, the strategies taught in Singapore are layered upon one another. One
strategy is the foundation for another one. For example, students need prior
knowledge of bonding in order to be successful at strategies they will learn later on
(like vertical addition).

Last, Singapore Math teaches students to understand math in stages,
beginning with concrete (using manipulatives such as counters, number disks, dice, and
so on), then moving to pictorial (solving problems where pictures are involved), and finally
working in the abstract (where numbers represent symbolic values). Through the
process, students learn numerous strategies to work with numbers and build
conceptual understanding.

May 31, 2011

Goodbye 5th Graders-Welcome New 5th Graders!!

I wish all my 5th grade students a great summer and a great year in 6th grade!! I will miss you!

New 5th Grade Students-I am excited to get to know you all! I'm not sure when the class lists will be out?

I will be taking classes and planning in the month of June. I will be
learning and planning for the New Common Core in Math and Language Arts.

Please remember to read this summer to avoid the Summer Slide.

What is the summer slide? Summer slide refers to the loss of reading skills that results when students slip out of the practice of reading over the summer (see "Three Ways to Prevent Summer Slide"). It is suggested that students who read at least six books will not regress over summer vacation. So, how do we prevent the summer slide? We engage them in summer reading programs.

If you need to e-mail me, please contact me at: OR....

May 4, 2011

Only 5 Days LEFT!!!

I can't believe how this year is flying by?

Here is a list of what we will be doing our final week of school.

Week 3
Monday-Fun Run Leave school 10:15 a.m.
Everyone did great at the Fun Run
Congratulations!! Damian (3rd), Kelsey(1st), Kobe(2nd), and Adrian(2nd), for placing. We broke a Bridger record this year!!

-USU Field Trip
Leave school at 8:45
Arrive back to Bridger at 1:15

Wednesday- Class store/Auction
Morning Honor Day for zero missing assignments
1:00 Surprise??????
Kick Ball with school 1:30-2:30

Thursday-5th grade Awards 9:00-10:00 Parents welcome!!
.........Reading Swim Party 10-50-2:30 Bring towel, swimsuit, and sunscreen.

May 3, 2011


Our president reports went very well. Thank you parents for coming to see them. Your support is so important to your child's success.

We will continue reviewing and working hard up until testing, which is the third week of May. Then we will have only one week of school left.

We just finished our geometry unit and grades were sent home today.

Science and Social Studies grade notes have also been sent out and are due back this week.

Book orders are due on Friday.

The Nova Lagoon Day was last Saturday. Because of the weather, they will accept the passes this Friday, May 7th.

Apr 23, 2011



You are invited to come see all the hard work and research your child has done on his/her president report.
Date: Wednesday, April 27th
Time: 1:30-2:30
Place: Gym

Finish you mealworm experiments before they change into a pupa.
This week we will continue learning about Learned Behaviors and Instincts.
We will also learn about animal variations and specialized structures.

We will continue learning about surface area then volume.
We will have a test on this unit Friday.
REMEMBER-We have math club Tuesday and Thursday if you do not understand.
This week we will review for the test.


Detective Bird e-mailed saying that next Saturday April, 30th is NOVA Lagoon Day.
If you want to go you must get your own ride. It is not sponsored by Bridger Elementary. The tickets are discounted (around $24.00 plus tax), you can buy up to 7 tickets. He will be giving us more information this week.

MATH CHALLENGE-Go to the Math Tab-You choose the reward!! Prize, extra credit, or missing assignment make up!!

Apr 16, 2011


We still have a lot of work to do in the next 6 weeks!!
Our President Reports were due last week. Those students who finished will start putting their presentation/pizza boxes together.
We will be presenting these to the whole school on Wednesday, April 27th between 1:30-2:30. Parents are invited to attend to see all the great work you have done!

SCIENCE-Heredity Unit
We will continue learning about traits.
We will also be learning about instincts and learned behaviors. Each student will receive a meal worm to use with their experiments.

MATH-We will continue learning about Area and Perimeter of rectangles,
triangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids.

F=Black f=white What trait is dominant?

This week we will be learning about Heredity

Apr 3, 2011



Bring what you have finished to class when you return from break and receive a reward!!

When we come back from Spring Break we will learn: Science-Heredity Math-Area and Perimeter Writing-Finish typing president reports if you need to contact me.

Mar 27, 2011

Last Week Before Spring Break

This week we will be finishing our President Reports.

Tuesday-Music performance 1:45 in the gym. Wear dark clothes! Parents are invited!!


Please continue reading!! The following students are meeting or have met their reading goal of 21oo pages: Abi, Anthony, Hunter, Meghane, Adrian, Kelsey, Aurora, Sara , Srienoch, SaBen, Scott

Please encourage your child to read !!

Only 8 weeks left until we go to the Aquatic Center.

Have a Fun Spring Break!!

Mar 18, 2011


CONGRATULATIONS!! We had a fun honor day today for those students who turned in all their assignments four weeks in a row. The students were rewarded for their hard work! The students who attended played WII games. WOW!! Some of you can really dance, and some of you can play the guitar!!
This week was the first week for our next honor day. If you turned in all your assignments this week, you just have three more weeks to go.

We will be working on our President Reports.
You should have 4 sources by Monday
Here are some computer sources: (Go to the tab that says FAVORITE SITES then presidents 1 or 2 for a direct link)

Remember to go the math tab then IA Site to review what we are learning in math.
The IA Site has many games that will reinforce what we are learning in class.
1. Go to the math tab then IA Site.
2. Go to fractions - simplify, add/subtract, find least common denominator, etc.
BONUS-If you tell me what games you played, you will receive a special prize!!

Mar 12, 2011


On Thursday and Friday I was in Denver at a conference. On Saturday morning before leaving for home, I had the opportunity to watch the St. Patrick's Day Parade. It was so crowded!! Everyone was wearing tons of green and having a lot of fun!
Don't forget to wear green on Thursday.
MONDAY-We will make our own electrical circuits in science.
TUESDAY-1:30 Character Assembly
THURSDAY-St. Patrick's Day (wear green)
FRIDAY-1/2 day of school.
Who was St. Patrick?

Mar 5, 2011


Please continue reading 30 minutes every night to meet your reading goal of 2,400 pages. We will be going to the Logan Aquatic Center on May 26th!!
We already have 10 students who have met this goal!

Monday- Type Limericks
Tuesday-The P.E. dance performance will be in the gym at 1:45. (3rd, 4th, and 5th grades will be performing)
Thursday-Geometry Review (please study for tests tomorrow)
Friday- Word Work Test & Geometry Test

Feb 25, 2011

Congratulations Sara for winning the school spelling bee!!!

This week:
Science-Finish Static Electricity and begin Electricity Unit (Watch Bill Nye Video below)

Monday - Practice writing Persuasive Essays. Orchestra Concert 1:30
Tuesday-Continue writing Persuasive Essays
Wednesday-We will be taking the State Persuasive Writing Assessment.

Feb 18, 2011


Conferences went very well. The students all set
goals to help them be successful!

Everyone set a goal to READ more books!!

Next Week FYI
Tuesday-Spelling Test
Math-PEMDA, lines, rays, etc.
Science-Begin learning about Static Electricity.
Writing-We will begin Persuasion Essays for the state writing test.
The writing test will be next Wednesday.

Friday-Spelling Bee 1:00 in the library

Have a nice break!!
See you on Tuesday!


Feb 11, 2011


MONDAY-HaPpY VALENTINES DAY!! We will have a Valentines Day Tea at 1:00. At 1:30 we will present our Valentine Poetry. After, we will pass out our Valentines to the class.

WEDNESDAY-Conferences begin at 2:40. I'll see you there.

THURSDAY-1/2 Day-Mr. Briggs from Mt. Logan Middle School will come at 10:00 to visit with the students regarding band at MLMS.
Parent Teacher Conferences from 12:30-7:30.


Feb 3, 2011

Please sign up for conferences!

Conferences are February 16th & 17th
Please remember to sign up for your child's conference time on the Bridger Blog.

Click the Bridger Tab
When you get to the Bridger site -click ON LINE CONFERENCE SCHEDULER
You will see Bridger Elementary- Click GO
Enter the school Password- BEARS then click login
Enter Students ID- Lunch Number (If you do not know their lunch number you can look it up.)

If you have a problem scheduling you can call the school or call me and I will be glad to add you on the schedule.

Mrs. Farmer

Jan 28, 2011

January 31-February 5th

Congratulations to Sara, Aurora, and Adrian our spelling bee Winners!! Good Luck during the school spelling bee!

Conference Scheduling
Notes and instructions will be sent home on Monday. You will be able to choose your times from January 31-February 9th. The earlier you choose, the more choices you will have. If you need to e-mail me about a time please do! or

Math-We just tested on our fractions unit and will continue adding, subtracting, and multiplying fractions with unlike denominators in March. This week we will be learning about integers (negative numbers) graphing coordinate numbers, and graphs.

Math Club-I have seen a lot of improvement with those students who attend our math club consistently. They are getting an extra dose of everything we are learning in class. We also work on number sense activities and games.

Homework-Parents, you are the key to your child's success. Please continue to ask your child about their homework and reading. Please make sure they are getting it finished every night.

Friday-Friday is a half day of school. We will dismiss at 12:00.

Jan 21, 2011

Week of January 24-31

Parent Teacher Conferences-On Friday you will be able to plan and schedule your children's conferences on the internet. I will post the information and send a note home as soon as it is available.

Science-This week we will start studying magnets. Then we will move on to electricity.

Objective 1 Investigate and compare the behavior of magnetism using magnets.
Objective 2 Describe how the magnetic field of Earth and a magnet are similar.

Spelling Bee-Our Bridger spelling bee will begin this week. Please practice the words. All the words are listed under the spelling bee tab. Three students from each class will move on to the district spelling bee.

Our book project went very well! We had a great time making our books this week! Thank you Marie Eccles Caine Foundation for providing this free service.

Monday-New reading groups begin.

Thursday-Field Trip (Scrap Arts Music) Ellen Eccles Theater. We will leave Bridger at 9:15 and return at 11:15 a.m.

Jan 16, 2011


CONGRATULATIONS! Every one of you graduated from NOVA!!

Monday-No School (Martin Luther King Day)

Tuesday-Start Tall Tales Unit
Wednesday-Dibels Testing
Thursday-Book Lady will teach how to make books 12:30-2:30
Friday-Book Lady 12:30-2:30
Social Studies and Science will be taught during Guided Reading this week.

Don't Forget to READ!!!

Jan 9, 2011


Congratulations to those students who are meeting their reading goal of 300 pages per month. Students who read 2400 pages by May will participate in a 5th grade celebration! Last year we took the students to the Logan Aquatic Center! The only way to become a stronger reader is to READ, READ, READ!

Monday-We will continue working on Fractions this week. We will also edit our Haikus.
Physical/Chemical Reaction Experiments due during Science. (Mrs. Farmer's Class)

Tuesday- Physical/Chemical Reaction Experiments due during Science. (Mrs. Stewart's Class)

Friday-Nova Graduation-1:00 in the Gym
Parents please come watch your child graduate from N.O.V.A.

Jan 1, 2011

Wow!! I can't believe Winter break is almost over!! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

This week we will be getting our division tests back and begin understanding and learning about fractions.

Friday-Maturation Program (I sent a paper home today with information)
Parent Workshop 12:00-1:00
Boys 1:00-2:00
Girls 1:00-2:30
Please remember to sign the consent form and return to school.

Science-Start thinking about your Science experiment. Remember you can choose a Physical or Chemical Reaction to demonstrate.

Physical Reaction-No new substance is formed. Example-ripping paper, freezing water, breaking pencil, etc.
Chemical Reaction-A New substance is formed. New solid, liquid, or gas. Change in energy (temperature), or unexpected color change. Example-baking soda and vinegar to make gas, rusting chain, baking food (changes from a solid to a liquid and temperature change).
more info:

The internet is a great resource for ideas:

See you all Monday ready to learn!!


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Edith Bowen Lab School
Phone Number: 435-755-2345